Snorkeling - Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea

Snorkeling in Sharm el Sheikh is very easy and convienient. The nature of the reef system is that the corals come up to the low water mark. Which with a small tidal action of the Red Sea means that it is only about 1 metre below the surface.In most of the area the reef comes right to the shore and most of the larger hotels have a floating jetty over this shore reef making access easy. At the end of the shore reef there is normally a wall reef which goes down to a depth of between 6 metres and 600 metres.In areas where there is no set route over the shore reef care is needed when crossing this. As the coral can be sharp and has many holes in it, as well as some spiney urchins or other marine life that you don’t want to stand on. If the water level is high then it is possible to swim over this shore reef but care is still needed. So where ever possible use the jettys or walkways into the waterBy snorkeling close to the shore reef you will be clear deep water which is full of life. With colourful corals and loads and loads of fish life.
Before jumping into the water, please have a look at where you are and assess the location with an eye to your own safety. The areas that are on the edges of any bays tend to have currents along them. So don’t get to engrossed with the multitude of life you see or too relaxed in the water that you forget to keep an eye on your own safety